Tuesday 21 September 2021

Hypertrophy Training - Weeks 1 to 3

What is Hypertrophy

Muscle hypertrophy involves an increase in size of skeletal muscle through a growth in size of its component cells.

Two factors contribute to hypertrophy:

Factor 1:  sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased muscle glycogen storage;

Factor 2: and myofibrillar hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased myofibril size.

If you need to know more then ask wikipedia 

The bottom line is Hypertrophy is the bodies ability to get bigger in its muscle groups when weight or strength training -  and this includes bodyweight training is applied to this muscle groups- To achieve this you need to work hard and eat hard - Protein is required to build - A simple statement but if you are not eating the correct foods m then you will not build. (read more on that here) 

Before you start on A hypertrophy program make sure you have completed the basic program to get used to lifting specific weights and your lifting technique is great and correct.

Here is your program ( two parts over 6 weeks)

Running the Program

There are several sessions - Upper body - has both use and Pull exercises , Lower body exercises and Combination sets - Your aim is to look at each and decide in what order they are going to be done - There is scope for 4 days a week down to 2 days a week - 3 days is ideal.

Two days a week - Split Upper body and lower body sessions into the two days and add the combined if time permits

Three days a week - Complete Two days of Upper body and one of lower body along with combined (same day as lower)

Four Days a week - two of upper , two of lower and add combined sessions on one of the days

Weeks 1 to 3









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