Monday 20 December 2021

Rottweiler Guard Dogs Training 2021 | Rottweiler Dogs

Oh rottweiler bird-dogs through the suit all right today's video the superpower of, rottweilers now i had already. Put up a, couple of years ago, a video called the crushing fight. Capability of rottweilers testifying just like those clips you precisely examined. When bite work is done properly, if you go far a clothing and take gnaws from rottweilers, it is extremely distressing. Now i've done all reproduces for 25 years, and i tell every new trainer that comes on to my staff or any coach that's coming to me to provide training as a instructor until you feel a rottweiler in a dres. You haven ,' t felt anything a rottweiler's. Supremacy is just unbelievable compared to most other raises. Okay. So this video today, a friend of mine, transport me this video that somebody else had put up called the power of rottweilers. Okay. Now he communicated it to me for two reasons, one to say i really in the video, the stuff that these people are showing. I cannot tell that the rottweiler has a lot of superpower. The channel they're, showing it in the video in bite, drive, okay and too they computed my videos into their video, and that was the only way that people could tell that the rottweiler had that kind of power in their bite privilege. It was simply because the clips of mine that they used in there pictured the serious supremacy when it's done right right. So, of course , none knows that those special excerpts in that video is coming from my video, the oppres gnaw supremacy of rottweilers that i improved on those rottweilers. Okay, so, and the only reason bringing that up is because that is going to be the subject of the video. Today so the, clips i'm going to, evidence you here you're going to, see this rottweiler being learnt, in the clothing and he's, probably once qualified. So this is the end result and looks like he'- s a police hound but you.'re gon na meet - and i want you to watch over and over again that the dog is grabbing the clothing and plucking away right. So when a pup does that you are never gon na feel the supremacy of that pup right, because you're not making the dog use his power and show his influence right. So extremely if it's a police, pup right or any personal protection dog. We school me in my plan to push through and framed that ability on to really articulated a beat down on a accused or somebody breaking into your residence or whatever it is so we i do the opposite right for the above reasons. So here in this video, when you assure the rottweiler grabbing the clothing and only drawing apart the guy in the dres, could make this all day right, he's feeling good-for-nothing in the suit. This comes down to how a teach is coaching bite, occupation and when it's done properly right and in my hearts that's why people application my videos of shepherds, rottweilers giant schnauzers. I want i find my video excerpts in everybody else :' s times when they're trying to show the capability of a make right, because i show the anguish right. The stigmatizes on the arms right, all those blood discolorations on the arms. Oh, he got you good, oh damn good! That was through the sleeve that's through the sleeve that's growing on there holy. Oh, my god, oh that was this arm through the clothing, and this is all comes down to how a instructor builds. The the pierce, occurrence, okay, so all makes - will punish you and will hurt being taught to push in and always push and and view okay, but the rottweiler when doing that. Only like the other reproduces it is unbelievable and excruciating all right and also that's. Why i've always said in all my videos. If you "re coming with me" all my shelter videos, you always interpret no matter what and all the breeds propagandizing into the americans and ever all over us in us and putting that push down title in the chest in the there and driving in and harbouring on to us right. Not gathering apart putting all that power, so we can't escape in the paraphernalium, the strength of the gnaws. So now you realize the rottweilers when they're bite now you can see that when they bite the guy's form is going backwards and the loot was going in and propagandizing that body right , not gathering apart. Oh, oh my god. Oh, my divinity makes a huge difference and i'm telling you you can hear here when he's, making those burns that's not forgery trash, that's not just for nothing and leisure. So, and just so, you know behind the scenes on those days "that weve got" those people "re gonna have to" make the pierces from these rottweilers. It was every weekend when we were going to you know: do the bite working in collaboration with these chaps, the decoys that are taking the bikes they're in the video. Nobody wants to take the bicycles from the rottweilers right. So every time it was a rottweiler.'s turn to come up and and do the bite creation everybody "il be going". Ah, do we have to do the rottweilers today? Can we wait for them for next week, so everybody always wanted to bypass the rottweilers since they are reached you in with power in the claim discerns, i mean you want to cry fatty crank back. Oh, he got you good and we're talking added material, gauntlets towels. On top of the oversized clothing, i mean you ,' re, still not safe. Oh we have this, then. If it was going to be high pierces like we were doing, we would introduced this all the way up to protect that bicep and that internal appendage here is very painful when they affected you there i mean you lose a lot of flexible in it, but hey To get rid of that sorenes and then we would situate the towels over that and then the thick-skulled bodysuit to get in there, and now we're triple done triple protected. That's very difficult. I mean for any dog truly, but this is what happens even with triple protection with a good morsel rottweiler. I tried to hold on that's. How much crazy power is in that jaw in that neck i mean it's just unbelievable. Also why we ever say you discover the rottweiler just briefly just got him up there at one shot in the dresser, and this is with extra cushion under and right away. The decoy had to stop and hurl the clothing off because it's excruciating. When you get hit up in this area right i imply the other eclipse is taking them now right. It's still excessively unpleasant right, but you can see he's hanging in oh and it hurts. While he moves around the dog is digging in and propagandizing right, but up in here one shot in one second of a shot. You can't anymore. You went ta, let it go so imagine if no gear , no armour you get hit from here up in now by one of the following options roddies i mean you are gon na faint. I've seen it happen. I've had decoys and people. I work with with shepherds extremely so shepherds rotties. They chew up in this field with that good setback through superpower, like i school i've seen decoys in one second, that can't take it and they put to their knees and they turn white-hot and they're in swooning procedure good. Oh, we got you, i represent so that's why i personally focus on here in right anywhere up to the elbows in real shelter part, because in real life with no rig on i don't care, you have gone, they nibble you even exactly a Little bit opposing you're gon na. Let go and drop everything, because your nerves cannot do anything else, but scroll and tell everything croak it's excruciating all right. So that is why i always explain to everybody. We don't do sleeve chews in rehearsal merely pre studying. My end result in my discipline is always going to be hearing the dress, because that target is a game over in one. Second, i symbolize simply a touch without a suit on. You are gon na cry so like that rottweiler was doing there in the dres. If i had a sweater on - and i was a suspect direct from a police pup or i broke into somebody -'s house and the dog did bite use. That nature - and i just stick my forearm out - they're gon na grab - i might feel a good initial tinge right from the initial burn, but then the dog is gon na pull on that excess and they're gon na start gathering. You like this right, so if that happens, most bird-dogs who do tug like that and pull away, they're not just trying to hurt the man they're , not really into that activity. It's just a tug of war. So i could just take this off right. He's already got it and i just start go. Let him have it right and i can try to get out the door while he's tugging on it and then just let him have it and get out the door and shut the door right. Precisely in case he came off the sweater and he was going to reattack right. So this opens the person or persons the believe, a big advantage when you get a dog who pulls like that on the suits right and that usually comes from the way they do sleeve production. So you'll assure a great deal of experiences that they send the dog flying. The dog gets the chews right and they're draw and they're trying not to let them pluck right and then, when they're ready, they let the sleeve go and the dog pulls apart and rolls around the field within his mouth right and That kind of behavior generates pups to tend to draw a lot. When you tell the sleeve disappear from a pull and right so that's the wage effecting when they get on the clothings like that dog that rottweiler in there and now you have all this excess right. I mean you have all this material here. So when a bird-dog doesn't bite penetrating and hard, like my puppies do right, they're gon na grasp that excess and only move back. So what was happening with the chap there, when the dog hopped in the car and pulled his arm out, pranced in the truck and pulled on him? When the chap was on the floor, he was pulling him apart right. The chap fully evaded all ache and any pressure that that bird-dog had in him because he knows once the dog gets the excess. He's not going to dig in and try to hurt the man. He's going to give the suit and play with it and he's going to pull, pull and now the whole arm of the chap is here and the dog's got now and here's, my forearm right and rottweilers. Don't have a very long nose either right, so you read all that excess when the dog draws. If you're a smart decoy right, you precisely keep your arm all the way back here. To avoid the punishment - and you experience, the dog is gathering pellet, missile attract and there's nothing to me. I feel nothing of that dog and why? Because the dog is not biting properly, he should not be used as grabbing the excess and pulling right. The dog should be digging in there's no way to flee. Now that is gon na hurt, and i can tell you every day of my life doing protection because i teach it. The other path is to push in and propagandize us downwards, propagandize and push us backwards and cover us propagandize us and push them out as far as they can get into us and to subdue down right. So i have nowhere to go in the dress. So i get penalise right so would have them in now spurt and they push in, and i have nowhere for my appendage to go the dog's got me completely and i feel all the power of his back mouth and it is excruciating. So we wrap up good, so that is the difference. How you educate bite task stimulates many different things: okay and schooling the backwards plucking is a no no and in my structure i just put up in this video happens to come in a week after that. I exactly put up my video two on protection: set dogs, how to civilize armour bird-dogs. Segment. Two character, two that i just came out with last week, is exactly teaching this the foundation of not to let them attract and how we counter it and then school them. The opposite to seeing how to dig in and propagandize and penalise the americans and not tell dogs pull away. Okay kills, the morsels kills the game and it grants assailant, burglar, big advantage to get out of that activity and flee so until next time, richard heinz miami dog whisperer. Oh, my divinity, oh that was this army through the dres you.


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🐕 Hunting Dogs – TOP 10 Best Hunting Dog Breeds In The World!

Hunting puppies have an incredible sense of smelland excel in tracking and retrieving prey. Before we begin with the video, I'd like tomention that I'm an animal lover and, as such, am absolutely against hunting swine. I do notsupport any savagery directed to swine. Still, many of my subscribers haveasked me to make a video on the best hunting dog makes. That's why I'vedecided to put together this list, which will also discuss their peculiaritiesand what stimulates them excellent pets. Hunting pups have a very longhistory of are concerned with humen. Namely, they helped us hunt.They are hardworking hounds that count themselves among some ofthe best engenders for lineages. Before we are moving forward, if you're a brand-new visitorto the channel, I invite you to subscribe and join our pedigree of animal lovers.Now let's look at the top 10 besthunting dog produces in the world: 10. The Irish Setter. Irish Setters love child, other hounds, andeven strangers, forming them fantastic pets. Their affectionate temperament spawns themexceptional as therapy puppies in hospitals, retirement homes, and institutions. Irish Setters are too: lively, affable, independent, forceful, agreeable, playful. They used to be bird hunters in the past. Irish Setters are excellent hunters due totheir awfully pronounced hunting impulses; they love to hunt. They can adapt well bothto cool and dry surroundings. They have a very well developed sense of smell, enabling them to detect preyand point in its direction. Irish Setters are both wonderfulpets and tireless hunters. 9. The Beagle. The oft-mentioned Beagles are not only immense babies for kinfolks with children butalso capable little hunters. Beagles are: affectionate, energetic, mischievous, strange, determined. Beagles love to bark vigorously. They're veryenergetic and have a stressed hunting impulse. These characteristics all play a part inmaking them proficient hunters. People use them primarily forhare hunting in the past. Why? Beagles can smell their prey from a mile away! As ability search hounds, they particularlyexcel in long periods of sport hunting.Today, athletic hunting usuallyconsists of shorter seasons. As a ensue, Beagles have becomemore popular as household babies! And, although they're challenging to train, these sweet little bird-dogs are always prepared to play. 8. The Spanish Water Dog. Spanish Water Dogs knew theirprimary use in livestock protection. At other seasons, they instead actedas hunting dogs and retrieved prey. Their primary determination would havebeen to retrieve prey from the irrigate. Spanish Water Dogs are: gentle, intelligent, steadfast, hardworking, athletic. These pups are easy to study sincethey enjoy having something to do. Their sporting structure reaches them fit forvarious enterprises, including bird-dog boasts. However, they're not always tolerant ofother swine, children, and strangers. They can get highly territory, so early socialization is a necessity. 7. The Weimaraner. Weimaraners are large dogsfirst spawned for hunting determinations. In more recent times, they helped noblefamilies, facilitating hunt boars, allows, and deer. Weimaraners are: tenaciou, sensitive, intrepid, smart, forceful, respectful, strong, immediate. Extraordinarily intelligent and genu topeople, they nevertheless have declared hunting tendencies, forming them an enticingprospect for parties looking for a hunting dog. On a hunt, their tracking, targeting, andretrieving sciences will all come in handy. And they can do it both on property and in water.They are still a suitable choice forhunters who want a family dog, though. Weimaraners will require alot of work and tending, and they affection representing a partin their family's activities. 6. The Dachshund. Dachshunds are remarkable little hunters known far and near as the bane ofbadgers, rabbits, and foxes. Their sense of smell is unparalleled. Even though they're not big game hunters, situating and pointing out preyis child's play to a Dachshund. They're more than precisely hunters, though; they can make for remarkable domesticateds. Their long backs are a well-known traitthat concludes them easily conspicuous. They love children and adoreplaying with their families. Dachshunds are: adamant, smart-alecky, dedicated, lively, mischievous, brave. And while they can quicklyadapt to life in an suite, they'll require a lot of physical task. They are kind to all membersof their family. Strangers don't ever enjoy the same courtesy, though. That's why it's vital to socialize Dachshundsearly, with various parties and swine. 5. The American Foxhound. The American Foxhound, as the namesuggests, is a breed focused on fox hunting.They possess agility, endurance, rate, and hunting abilities, meaningthey're natural hunters. American Foxhounds are: smart, genteel, loyal, independent, sweetened. These puppies do well living in the countryside. Why? American Foxhounds affection barking. They have a loud and impaling bark that canbe heard from kilometers away. You can imagine they won't be favourite withyour neighbors if you live in an apartment. American Foxhounds are intensely independent, prefer merely one person to follow.They disfavor obeying biddings. Obedience training isindispensable for these pups. 4. The English Setter. The English Setter is a mid-sized dogtailor-made for hunting mad animals, such as quails and pheasants. They are energetic pups who prefer livingwith active genealogies or hobbyist hunters. English Setters are: naughty, soothing, rational, friendly, energetic, dedicated.They admire their owners, children, strangers, and other puppies. Not only are English Setters excellent hunters, but they also make for very friendly babies. They'll alarm you to the arrival of strangers bybarking but will still act friendly toward them. Coming up are the top 3 best hunting dogbreeds in the world. Let's take a look. 3. The English Pointer. English Pointers proved beneficial for pointing out prey, particularly chicks andsmaller animals like rabbits. English Pointers are: soothing, style, friendly, active, competitive, careful.These little energetic, agile, and obedient bird-dogs excel as hunters, but they canalso become excellent babies! They do, nonetheless, expect plentyof physical and mental stimulation, so apprentices should steer clear. 2. The Golden Retriever. A friendly and well-liked dog spawned, GoldenRetrievers are also proficient hunters. As their call recommends, they retrieve prey. Golden Retrievers are: affectionate toward everyone, self-confident, faithful, mischievous, affable, smart, dependable. Golden Retrievers are capable dogsused in a wide various types of roles. They are excellent leader bird-dogs for theblind, as well as search and extricate dogs. Although their chase inclinations are weaker, theyare very trainable and often working in collaboration with parties. These vast dogs have been helping us for a very long time. And adjudicating by theirpopularity, they're here to stay. And now for the best huntingdog spawn in the world. Ready? 1. The Labrador Retriever. Labrador Retrievers are working pups, butmore than that, they are good friends. They used to work on fishing ships in the past. They would jump into the water to bring back fishthat had fallen off and pull in fish-filled nets.Today, they help people with many different duties, one of which is retrieving prey during hunts. Labrador Retrievers are: friendly toward everyone, peace, gregarious, focussed, forceful, cheerful. They are kind and friendly kinfolk dogswith a well-developed sense of smell and a passion for helping people. They can detect, way, retrieve, and point to prey during a hunt. They perform their duties welland are exceptional hunters. But above all, they make for extraordinary domesticateds. Labrador Retrievers are lively and sensitive, expecting a good deal of their owner's attention. Of all the dog spawns that arestandout hunters due to their proficiency in tracking and target retrieval, Labradors are the best ones in the world.I do not support animal chase, and I'dlike to point out that all dog raises on this list are among the very best when itcomes to choosing a pet for their own families. That is especially true forfamilies with children. Why? Real hunting dogs have a lot ofenergy and excel in dog plays, as well as with active familieswilling to spend time with them. Hunting puppies are, above all, loyal andenthusiastic helpers and best friends. Are there any special requirementsfor hunting dog owners? What should a good proprietor keep in mind? 1. Hunting Instincts. When it comes to hunting dogs, any animalsmaller than them is potential prey. As such, it is imperative to socialize them earlywith many different swine so they can adapt. 2. Chasing After Prey. Even a well-socialized and civilized hunting dog will at times chase after ananimal they find interesting.What are some preventive measures? I advise all hunting dog owners to keeptheir pups rope when taking a march. At home, they should only run free if you have afenced-in yard. Don't forget to close the gate! 3. Liveliness And Endurance. Hunting sits immense necessitates on a dog'sstamina and exertion grades. That's why hunting dogs are generally highly energeticand require a lot of physical stimulation. They can bark a lot and had proved to be very damaging. 4. Challenging Training. Although hunting spawns tendto be highly intelligent, they can also be quite stubbornor have an attention problem.Working with them is just more demanding.Knowledge of pup train techniques be necessary, and havingpatience doesn't hurt either. Still, puppy suitors won't have any issuesfinding epoch for their beloved domesticateds. Right? Do you know any hunting dog I forgot tomention? Maybe you even own a hunting dog and can share what it's like to live withthem? Please leave a comment down below! Would you like to see more? In the description, you'll find links tovideos of the top 10 smartest, deadliest, most aggressive, most dangerous, more beautiful, smallest bird-dog makes in the world, and many more.If you experienced the video, please click thelike button and share it with your best friend. Don't forget to subscribe and joinour germinating family of animal devotees! Let's save our babies healthful and fortunate. Bye !.


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Read More: Rugby in Perth from one season to the next – 2022 and Beyond

Tuesday 14 December 2021

OnGuard Dog Training in improvement to Anti Bark device from...

You might specify'a great deal a whole lot much less intricate exposed than done,'yet the OnGuard animal canine training hand held device makes it genuinely standard. You might announce 'a bargain a great deal much less difficult specified than done, 'yet the OnGuard canine training hand held device makes it truly traditional. OnGuard utilizes a humane, high-output ultrasonic sound to stop barking along with numerous different other approaches along with prevent all vicious treatment of your in addition different along with very own various other member of the family pets.

Friday 10 December 2021

Blind Dog Harness in addition to on top of that Ring Review

Blind Dog Harness together with along with that Leash Guiding Device

This anti-corrosion ring is made from zinc alloy, together with in a similar way it remains to remain in renovation protected together with secure. It appropriates for blind enjoyed one pet dog pooches along with weak sighted felines. Requirements: Condition: 100% Brand New. 324-422g/ 11.42-14.88 oz. This anti-corrosion ring is developed from zinc alloy, along with additionally it is secured along with furthermore secure along with safe.. .

Thursday 9 December 2021

An examination of the Sportdog Brand No Bark Collarsreview _...

An evaluation of the Sportdog Brand No Bark Collars review_bar id =' 298']

1.5 metre Long Dog Leash Review

Long Dog Leash 1.5 M Dog Lead

These leads are Designed by relative pet canine followers, for household animal dog canine followers! These leads are Designed by animal canine pooch followers, for relative pet canine followers! Run or walk with your member of the family animal pooch in simpleness together with furthermore safety and security along with in addition security and also safety as well as additionally security along with safety and security as well as protection as well as additionally security as well as safety and security with this canine chain that is established to last.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Downtown Pet Supply Citronella No Bark Control Collar Review

The Downtown Pet Supply No Bark Control Collar

Simply especially simply particularly simply exactly how does it run? This Downtown Pet Supply no bark control collar uncovers your family pet canine canine's bark using both the sound generated in addition to furthermore the vibrations produced by the barking. 51piNgoCH7L.jpg This is not a shock collar, shock collars use an unwanted shock to attempt to stop the barking.: Our citronella collars are a bargain added secured than shock collars. This is not a shock collar, shock collars utilize an unfavorable shock to attempt to surrender the barking.: Our citronella collars are contained protected than shock collars.: Fully flexible collar allows 2 spray amounts in addition to in renovation 2 degree of level of degree of level of degree of level of sensitivity arrangements.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

BossBee Ultrasound Stop Barking Device for household pet dog...

BossBee Ultrasound Stop Barking Device for residence family members pet dog canine pooches Review With this little hand held canine barking control devices. BossBee Shop is the owner to use this component with BossBee trademark name. You can care for unfavorable job such as enhancing, digging deep into deep right into deep right into, chasing after, waste raiding together with major barking. (16.4 feet) It develops a wild ultrasonic sound that is problematic to house family members animals along with furthermore at the accurate comparable time it is kicked back to the human. Appropriate for indoor use along with in addition to that walking the member of the family pet outdoors. review_bar id =' 249'] BossBee Shop is the owner to market this element with BossBee brand name. (16.4 feet) It produces a howling ultrasonic sound that is frustrating to enjoyed one family members animals in addition to at the incredibly info similar time it is tranquil to the human.

Sunday 5 December 2021


Hey, what's up guys Oscar here with elevated canine together with documentary TV We are gonna start a training series called fundamentals of dog training and I hope you guys enjoy alright guys, so the first step in our dog training is Making sure that we charge our markers with what I mean by that is letting the dog know when he's gonna get rewarded

So in this case, we're gonna use the word. Yes when we say the word. Yes we are gonna produce a reward it could either be kibble, you see here in my hand or it could be a tug have one back here and

So basically as soon as I say the word, yes, that's gonna produce the reward Why is that important? It is important because that is gonna let the dog know exactly what he did that is gonna get him paid So, for example, I'm gonna I'm gonna break Benny from his place right now.

So if I go, okay, and if I go Benny place Yes, he knows that he's gonna get rewarded he can come off of his place place Yes, alright, so we're gonna start from the beginning place and How we charge this marker?

alright So the first step is to make sure that you have a dog that is interested in you so we want a dog that is very Invested and wants to work for you so that you could teach the behaviors if you go outside and you're trying to teach the dog to sit down come whatever you're trying to teach them and Instead he's sniffing looking at other dogs or whatever he's doing it's gonna be very difficult so we have to make sure that the dog is invested in us and he wants to work for us so in

At this point I'm gonna show you how we start that So what you do is you're gonna grab your dog come out put a leash on your dog just because Okay, and I'm gonna remove this place out of the way So if I have a dog say that sniffing like how he is right now He's going around as soon as he focuses on me, and he looks at me.

I'm gonna mark the yes, and I'm gonna pay him Three pieces of the kibble and I'll stand still he's looking at me. Yes, I pay again, obviously You know, we've done some training with this guy so he knows the program

But we will take out other dogs, or we can show you Yes So here he's invested in me. He wants to he wants to work Yes He's being very focused on me. And that's what you want from a dog All right So I'm gonna take out a puppy Next so you guys to see the the process with the dog that has no training.

I have done no training with his dog We just got him in from Costa Rica and he's a German Shepherd puppy. So we'll bring him out and show you guys the process Alright guys, so this is my young dog, I just got him in from Costa Rica his name is hustle and We're gonna show you guys a little bit about that engagement thing that we talked about again

This is for dogs that are a little more food motivated or you know, some dogs are not treat motivated So you got to find other ways that they are gonna find satisfaction in whatever you give them tug Praise whatever it is in this case

We're using food just to show you guys the process, so I haven't done any sessions with him yet He just got in a couple days ago So he as you can see, he's already a very focused little pup, but you know So I'm gonna show you guys and again, we're charging the marker as I go.


So I'm gonna charge the yes marker at the same time that I'm building engagement. All right. Yes So he doesn't even know what yes means, but I'm gonna produce a reward He looks at me yes Then I produced a reward I can even make him chase it a little bit standstill Yes, he looks at me I mark and I feed Yes, you got to make sure that you capture the right moment as soon as you say he looks at you Yes In this one, I'm gonna give them three treats So you kind of you could jackpot make sure that you give them more than one Yes, and you'll see that there'll be a lot more attentive rather than you just giving one piece of food You give three pieces of food.

Yes, and then you'll see how the dog becomes a lot more engaged than you Yes so the reason why I put him on leash is Just so if he was interested in a lot of other things I could stop him I'm not gonna correct them and I'm gonna stop him Yes All right, yes All right guys, so the reason why I'm using food to me It's just the easiest thing to use when working because I can limit their food a little bit.

Yes. I could feed them Through training and create that bond that engagement. Yes But you can see this little guy already picking it up, all right Yes, nice buddy good boy Yes, and then you just end your session done yeah boy good boy That's a good All right, guys So just a little recap on this video that we shot Is is how to create engagement and charge your yes marker at the same time again?

So the yes marker means you are gonna produce a reward so the dog looks at you you say the word Yes You reach into your pockets and you can give them one piece two piece three pieces of food Or if your dog is in food motivated, what you do is you'll go.

Yes, and you'll bring out the tug Give your dog the tug and play play play play out You can give him another bite or you could put it away He stays focused on you. Yes, bring it out and again you are just Making sure that your dog is invested in you he wants to work for you instead of being into all these other things

So I know it's gonna be questions. What if your dog isn't food motivated what if your dog isn't ugh motivated? Well, you can create you can create that motivation you could bring it up by either cutting their food a little bit and maybe instead of feeding them in a bowl you feed them out of your hand create that engagement with you or You could even you know, if your dog you want your dog to be a little more tug motivated

What you could do is you could attach it to a leash where he has to chase it play with them remember? It's about the game Not necessarily the tug So how some dogs you know?

Like like to pull on the tug you got to see what your dog likes every dog is different

So if that's for you to find out and there are some videos out there of other trainers Ivan Balaban of Michael Ellis Those are trainers that I look up to again I hope you guys enjoyed this if you guys have any questions, feel free to email us leave comments

Make sure you subscribe you know Zeke is gonna be out here and let them know that you're interested in some more dog training videos and we'll do what We can I have I have a lot planned for you guys Shaping how to teach your dog to go to the bed how to walk next to you Recalls, so if you guys are interested, make sure you let Zeke know in the comments.

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